Friday, April 6, 2007

This and That

WOW! It has been quite a while since my last post. I can't say that I have a good excuse. Laziness would be my best justification.

I finally finished my "Valentine" knitting project. I made an afgan for my momma. It's stunning if I must say so myself. :) Since then I've been trying to make a baby blanket. I purchased some yarn, and created a pattern in my head. Yeah...that didn't work out so much. Then I looked around at different patterns and tried again. Strike two. I decided the problem was the yarn so I return the unused yarn and bought new yarn. Ok, so the new yarn is working out pretty well until I'm about 3/4's of the way done and realized that due to the stitch I used, the yarn pulls pretty easily. It occured to me that if the yarn is pulling on me, it will pull on the new mother. And who wants to deal with that. Time to frog the project, return unused yarn and buy more...again! Now I'm armed with new yarn & a new pattern. It was working beautifully. The pattern is very lacy and the yarn is very light yet warm for the baby. I'm going along and am almost finished when I realized that I dropped a stich 10 rows back. ARRGGHHHHH!! This baby blanket is not meant to be.

While Mr. CrazyCat & I have been married for about a year and a half, we still had not merged cell phone plans. We did so this week - yes it really is love. We stayed with T-Mobile. (Shout out to Nicole & Kris at the T-Mobile store at Gurnee Mills. If you need a new phone - go and see Nicole. She know's her business.) Getting back to the story... a new phone plan means getting a new phone! Much to the dismay of my coworkers I retired the "stripper" phone and replaced it with a pink Motorola RAZR with a cherry blossom tatoo design. YIPPEEEE!! I have the ultimate in gurly phones.

Which is the "stripper phone"? Take a guess - I dare you.

I'll admit, that's all I have for now.